Federal Estate Taxes

Dear Trust Officer: What is going to happen with federal estate taxes in 2018? —Interested Observer Dear Interested Observer: The IRS has announced that, under current law, the inflation-adjusted exemption from federal estate and gift tax will grow to $5.6 million in 2018. For a married couple, that means a total estate of $11.2 million […]

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Retirement Readiness

DEAR TRUST OFFICER: How much money must I have in order to be able to retire? Is $1 million enough? — PEAK EARNING YEARS DEAR PEAK: The better question is: How much income will you need during your retirement? If you will have a pension and Social Security checks coming in, $1 million might easily be […]

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Estate planning for the married

DEAR TRUST OFFICER:  Most married couples will never need to worry about filing a federal estate tax return, will they? I’ve heard that for couples the federal estate tax exemption is over $10 million. — AFFLUENT, NOT WEALTHY DEAR AFFLUENT: On the contrary, in the vast majority of cases of an estate with a surviving […]

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Special needs trusts

Dear Trust Officer: I have a child with autism, and I’m thinking about the child’s financial future. I’ve heard about special needs trusts, which can provide for financial support without jeopardizing public benefits.  What is the difference between a first-party special needs trust and a third-party special needs trust? —Caring Parent Dear Caring: A “first-party” […]

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Debts and death

DEAR TRUST OFFICER: What happens to my debts when I die? —STILL PAYING THE MORTGAGE DEAR STILL: According to a study by the credit bureau Experion, released in December 2016, some 73% of consumers have debts when they die, including mortgage debt. Some 68% have credit card debt; 37% have mortgage debt; 25% have car […]

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Triple record

Dear Trust Officer: I heard that the stock market has been setting new highs. Does that mean now is a good time to invest in stocks? — New at investing Dear New:  On one hand, by example, last August all three of the major stock market indices (DJIA, S&P 500, and NASDAQ) set records on the […]

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Tapping Retirement Funds to Pay for College

DEAR TRUST OFFICER:  Should I withdraw or borrow from my 401(k) plan to help pay for my child’s college expenses? —PUZZLED ON FUNDING DEAR PUZZLED:  As a general rule, impairing your retirement savings to meet current spending needs is not a good idea, even for higher education expenses.  There are other sources of funds for education […]

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401(k) Protection Programs

DEAR TRUST OFFICER:  When I retire in about a year, I’m expecting a six-figure distribution from my employer’s 401(k) plan.  The success of my retirement turns on what I do with this money, and I’m more than a little unsettled by the prospect.  What should I do to keep my all my options open? —LOOKING […]

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